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Enthusiastic Endorsement from NATO's Secretary General

“I found the book explosively fascinating. The way it takes us through the labyrinth of Cold War virus research was riveting. It was like some real-life thriller as each discovery is made and each breakthrough announced.” 

Lord Robertson, Former British Defense Minister and Secretary General of NATO (1999- 2004)



High praise from a Nobel laureate

"I got to know a number of the scientists mentioned in the book and have read it with great interest. It gives an excellent account of an unfolding story of scientific, political and social interest. " 

Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn. University of Strasbourg, France. Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1987)



The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations observes that

Cold War Triangle' provides an insightful description about some of the most important medical discoveries in recent history. It is a story of substance, and one that sheds light on the complexity of scientific discovery in an ever-changing political environment.
David Kinkela, Diplomatic History, Volume 43, Issue 3, June 2019, Pages 592–594



​Glowing remarks from a science writer

"Your book was on top of my summer reading pile and yes, it is great! It reads like a detective novel and I am amazed how much science I learned from it, having both an MD and a PhD degree in chemistry.  Also, all the familiar names, Brachet, de Duve, Van Montagu...It was a real treat to be reminded of such fascinating scientists that I had met. Like a trip back in time when I accompanied Donny on meetings all over the world. 

Thanks a lot for such a great work!"

 Eliane Strosberg, MD, PhD in Chemistry

Author of “ ART and SCIENCE “ and “ The Human Figure and Jewish Culture”



​ Rave review from Belgium’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs and  EU Trade Commissioner

“Ambassador Loeckx tells with passion and vigor the story of one of the great breakthroughs in medicine: the containment of HIV that has saved millions of lives. It’s also a great story about the very nature of humanity: how cooperation among great minds from different horizons and disciplines transcended the Wall that once divided Europe.”

Karel De Gucht served as European Commissioner for Trade from 2010 to 2014 after being European Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response.

He was Belgium’s Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2004 to 2009.​



Accolades from a scientist-entrepreneur 

"As a scientist in the seventies I had first hand experience on the hurdles of crossing political borders in advancing human knowledge. The book captures not only this intriguing story of scientists and entrepreneurs, but also evokes the quest for a deeper understanding of microbiology."

Dr. Jos B. Peeters. CEO Capricorn Venture Partners.



The International forum for Humanities and Social Sciences Online

The book tells a fascinating story and gives a glimpse into the making of scientific discoveries, the rush for patents in research, and collaborative work during hostile political situations. It is mostly an enjoyable read, albeit skewed towards Western protagonists, and will surely enrich our understanding of the multitude of actors involved in HIV research and global scientific production.
Dora Vargha, H-Diplo, H-Net Reviews. February, 2019



Powerful lessons relevant today

During the Cold War relations between East and West were dominated by a confrontational, all - consuming ideological conflict. Formal exchanges were limited to measures related to mutual survival and the avoidance of nuclear war. Yet beneath the rigid formal relationship contacts were forged by elements of civil society on both sides. Prominent in these were scientists eager to advance their expertise unfettered by ideology; but also concerned by the contribution science was making to the risk of nuclear war.

Cooperation among the medical profession involved a field of equal importance to the survival of the human race – the fight against infectious diseases. This cooperation straddled the Iron Curtain, even involving meetings sponsored by NATO’s Science Committee. As this volume demonstrates the results were remarkable, including in the fight against HIV.  Even more so they were achieved despite the deep political differences separating East and West.

For someone who worked at NATO during the Cold War this volume provides an invaluable and little known perspective of that period.  Moreover it has relevance today.  At a time when relations between Russia and the West are bad and worsening it provides a reminder that, even in the most difficult circumstances, there can be mutual benefit in keeping open channels of dialogue, exchange and cooperation.

Simon Lunn, former member of NATO’s International Staff (1983-1989) and

Secretary  General  of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly  (1997-2007)



A panoramic review of Belgium's scientific accomplishments: "Merkstenen. Op weg naar  de ondernemende onderzoeksuniversiteit" by Jos Bouckaert mentions "Cold War Triangle" very favorably on page 473



A Chinese scholar’s embrace

I have been working in the Rega Institute for many years. Although I heard  stories now and then, I did not know the whole epic tale till I read the book. 

As one of the pioneers in the antiviral battle, Prof. De Clercq and his collaborators are well known in the world. Their inventions not only saved lives of millions of people, but changed the test of strength between human beings and virus, which is an important milestone on the road to tame HIV completely. The story is inspiring more scientists, especially the young generation to join the antiviral campaign.   

My wife and children also read the book. They loved it even though they have limited scientific background. I put the book on a favorite place in my veranda (see the picture below), so everybody in my family can see and read it at any time.

Ling-Jie Gao, Ph. D Medicinal Chemistry, KU Leuven


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